The 7th Annual San Benito County Cardboard Challenge will be held community wide and at designated school sites from September 30 -October 5, 2024. This free program is coordinated by the San Benito County Arts Council as part of their Arts in Education Program, in partnership with the YMCA of San Benito County, Youth Alliance, San Benito County Office of Education and San Benito County Integrated Waste Management.
Together, we’re encouraging residents of San Benito County to make cardboard creations during the month of October to celebrate the power of creative play. During the Cardboard Challenge, community members are encouraged to create anything they can imagine out of cardboard! The only rule is that the cardboard should still be recyclable after it has been transformed! Pencils, paper, markers, and small amounts of glue are ideal. Past projects have included an entire city, a stadium, a life-sized Steph Curry, and even a taco truck. This year some students are creating a cardboard cake-decorating contest!
Show your creativity and share a photo of your cardboard creation online via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #sanbenitoarts. The San Benito County Arts Council will be sharing submitted photos on our social media channels as well as highlighting celebrations happening county-wide.
More about the Global Cardboard Challenge
The Imagination Foundation, invites the world to participate each year, now 14 years running, in their Annual Global Cardboard Challenge. Inspired by the short film, ‘Caine’s Arcade,’ (http://bit.ly/caines-arcade-movie) the Global Cardboard Challenge is a worldwide celebration of child creativity and the role communities can play in fostering it. Every September, kids are challenged to create and build out of cardboard, recycled materials and imagination.
Then, on the first Saturday in October celebrating the anniversary of the flash mob that came out to make Caine’s day, communities come together and play. Since its launch, the Imagination Foundation’s Cardboard Challenge has engaged 1,933,105 participants in 80 countries and was named a Champion in LEGO Foundation’s ‘Re-imagine Learning’ Challenge. (See LEGO’s video on our work here: http://bit.ly/lego-imagination-video.)
To find out more about what the San Benito County Arts Council is doing for Arts in Education visit us at www.sanbenitoarts.org.
For more information contact the Arts Council’s Director of Arts Education, Amanda Chiado, at amanda@sanbenitoarts.org