From San Benito County Integrated Waste Management
The San Benito County Earth Day Celebration is going online with a virtual Earth Day Art Fest, coordinated by San Benito County Integrated Waste Management, San Benito County Arts Council, Recology San Benito, Water Resources Association of San Benito County, the San Benito County Chamber of Commerce Green Committee, and San Benito Dance Academy.
Together, we’re encouraging residents of San Benito County to create Earth Day-inspired artwork wherever and whenever you can from Wednesday April 22nd– Saturday, April 25th, whether it be chalk art on paper, chalkboard, driveway, sidewalk or cement wall. Particpants are welcome to use any medium including photography, painting or pencil drawings. Once they’ve created their work, we ask that residents please share a photo online via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #SanBenitoEarthArt. Entries will be shared and reposted by event sponsors.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, marking 50 years of global action towards environmental stewardship through education, policy advocacy, art and community building. The theme for this year’s virtual Earth Day celebration is climate action. Learn how to take action and join the worldwide live celebration at earthday.org.
Last year, San Benito County celebrated its first Earth Day Celebration with over 20 tabling partners, over 400 event attendees, several recycling opportunities, an art poster contest award ceremony, performances, and fun, interactive Earth Day activities for all ages! Due to COVID-19 precautions, we were unable to host a live event this year but encourage you to take part in these virtual opportunities to celebrate our County and our County’s future!
Chalk Art by Arts Council Marketing & Community Engagement Manager, Heidi Jumper